Friday 14 June 2013

Back To Normality?!?

Well exams are over and I'm back down south, and to be honest I couldn't be more happy to be here. That's not to say I'm missing uni life and the friends I've made up there. Said to myself I was going to start by going to my old job and ask for shifts. End up relaxing at home, coming up to see Ellie, and relaxing.
So life's pretty good, but that's not to say I'm not going to get shifts. It's my plan for Saturday, and go for a nice walk in the process.
I had exams like a lot of us students at the end of the year. Managed to get through all 3 exams. Wouldn't have bothered me too much if term hadn't finished on the 7th and my last exam being on the 11th. Well a few days in Nottingham didn't hurt much, well not as much as my dad's hand. Both my parents came up for 2 nights before we headed back down south. He falls over and ends up hurting his hand. Both me and my mum told him to go to A&E, which he did do when we got back. told he broke one finger and fractured the other.
So he's now got two weeks sick and no driving until its healed. Might be waiting a while

Saturday 1 June 2013

Just when things cant look better

I had an incident with one of my flatmates at the beginning on April. I had just got back from a night out with friends on the Sunday evening/ Bank holiday Monday. I opened the door into our kitchen and I caught him looking through my private messages on facebook on my laptop. He then decided to start throwing verbal abuse at me and to top it all off, threw an empty bottle at me.
Suffice to say I was pretty shaken up and came home to Plymouth in the morning. I phoned up student services on the Tuesday to make a formal complaint. A week later (and a fence and gardening patch done for my parents later) I was informed he was to be removed from the house. My other flat mate had told me he had moved into the flat next door.
Move on to the night of the 1st and 2nd June and me and Tom heard loud music coming from next door. To my delight it was coming from some pretty powerful speakers and the house mate who moved to that flat is right above the kitchen/ dining room where the party is.
Moral of this story: if you do things properly after a bad experience, shits gonna land on them harder.
Keep smiling people