Friday 14 June 2013

Back To Normality?!?

Well exams are over and I'm back down south, and to be honest I couldn't be more happy to be here. That's not to say I'm missing uni life and the friends I've made up there. Said to myself I was going to start by going to my old job and ask for shifts. End up relaxing at home, coming up to see Ellie, and relaxing.
So life's pretty good, but that's not to say I'm not going to get shifts. It's my plan for Saturday, and go for a nice walk in the process.
I had exams like a lot of us students at the end of the year. Managed to get through all 3 exams. Wouldn't have bothered me too much if term hadn't finished on the 7th and my last exam being on the 11th. Well a few days in Nottingham didn't hurt much, well not as much as my dad's hand. Both my parents came up for 2 nights before we headed back down south. He falls over and ends up hurting his hand. Both me and my mum told him to go to A&E, which he did do when we got back. told he broke one finger and fractured the other.
So he's now got two weeks sick and no driving until its healed. Might be waiting a while

Saturday 1 June 2013

Just when things cant look better

I had an incident with one of my flatmates at the beginning on April. I had just got back from a night out with friends on the Sunday evening/ Bank holiday Monday. I opened the door into our kitchen and I caught him looking through my private messages on facebook on my laptop. He then decided to start throwing verbal abuse at me and to top it all off, threw an empty bottle at me.
Suffice to say I was pretty shaken up and came home to Plymouth in the morning. I phoned up student services on the Tuesday to make a formal complaint. A week later (and a fence and gardening patch done for my parents later) I was informed he was to be removed from the house. My other flat mate had told me he had moved into the flat next door.
Move on to the night of the 1st and 2nd June and me and Tom heard loud music coming from next door. To my delight it was coming from some pretty powerful speakers and the house mate who moved to that flat is right above the kitchen/ dining room where the party is.
Moral of this story: if you do things properly after a bad experience, shits gonna land on them harder.
Keep smiling people

Sunday 26 May 2013

Gloriousness in ze spring/summer Sun

Wehey i'm back to this old blogging game with my 3rd post. Been an interesting few weeks since my first post on here. I presented two shows on Norman Radio ( on the Monday and Friday. Was all rather exciting and gave me a real buzz taking the airwaves for an hour  on both days. All my assignments are in now and in the middle of exams.
Our house recently celebrated one of our house mates birthday. Major Tom, who reached the ripe old age of 24 on friday, had an amazing day with friends and plenty of booze and food to be passed around. As you can all see from the photo, he had some pretty amazing presents.

One thing I love about these photos is the epicness of toms face. Really makes me chuckle. Like I said im in the middle of exams (well 1/3rd of the way through to be more accurate), and the 3 exams im doing are law, politics and an essay, all to do with broadcast journalism. So why am I enjoying myself with a good book? Because being in the outside on a glorious day like today doesn't come too much in the year, so take advantage whilst you can. Ladies and gents, I leave you to your Sundayness and catch you in my next blog.

MG RX-93 Nu Gundam Ver KA

Well this ones a big one to start off with, the Nu Gundam Ver. Ka, and to date, i've never built a Master Grade, or any grade of kit quite like it. It's one of those kits which will deffinately draw peoples attention if they see it.

When I opened up the box and saw that many plates within its cardboard walls, I thought to myself "This is gonna take a while", and trust me it did, but I enjoyed every step of this amazing kit.
Since this was my first version Ka, I was pretty excited to see how it differed from other master grades I'd built in the past.

One thing when you look at this assembled kit, is how imposing it looks, especially when its mounted on its display.

The arms have fairly good posabillity with a double joint at the elbow and a ball jointed wrist joint. The hands however a step up on all Master Grades I've built to date.With most mastergrades, the kits came with a 3 finger trigger finger split with more modern individually posable fingers with two joints. This beast of a kit however steps up with those hands. With some of you who have built perfect grades, you know that the hands on those kits have all individual joints every part of the hand moves like a humans hand, will this kit was the first which I know of to have that. with the material similar to that of the inner frame of a real grade, it wasnt too hard to figure out what to do.

The legs on this kit are like any other legs on any other master grade. double  knee joint , good posabillity. one thing which I noticed with this kit was the ankles, they had an extremely good range of motion. you'll see in a photo to the left. one thing you will notice is how big this kit is compared to other mastergrades, especially those considered tall, like the duel on the right.

Big Ass Skirt armour
The waist is like any other kit, only difference is, the size of the pieces, they are fairly big compared to other master grades,


That piece under the left vent allways falls out

LED Gimick
The body was quite interesting in design. from what I saw during the build, there was a few similarities to the RX-78-2 ver 2.0, these similarities were the cockpit hatch. one thing that also got me with this kit was the amount of clear green parts, expecially for the cockpit. Its a shame I didnt paint the pilot, but if there not seen then who's gonna know? Another feature which I thought was a good choice was the LED housing in the neck. when I got my set of lights, I didnt realise how bright the eyes were gonna shine, well, thats bandai for you. unfortunately I cant show you those eyes cause both my batteries are dead, but I've inprovised. The head looks pretty good too. I cant compare this to the first Nu Gundam, but from what Ive heard, its proportions were way off, with a watermellon sized head

The backpack looks awesome on this kit. the big thrusters and the attachment points shows what kind of power and versatility this suit had in the anime. Another thing I love about this was the yellow inserts inside the thrusters. I know bandai had done this with the buster and duel, but seeing it here showed me that bandai was telling us to say "Good bye paintbrushing thruster housings"

Now the kit together. I decided to show off the "Invoke mode" becuase its what I did first. I liked what this offered, becuase it shows off something new and unique about this classic design, and also with gundam unicorn episode 6 on the near horizin, it ties in rather well. I like the way the green psyco-frame shines when the light hits it in the right spot.For anyone who's built this kit before, you know that you have to take certain armour pieces off the legs, front skirts and backpack, and move pieces to reveal this mode. it looks great but trying to put those pieces back without them falling off can be a real pain in the rear exhaust.

Weapons are one of the selling points for any kit like this, and the Nu is no exception  With a beam rifle, bazooka, shield and two beam sabers, your definitely wont be disappointed. I love how the beam rifle looks on this kit, even though there is no sight on it, I still think it looks pretty bad ass, the bazooka looks great too, allthough it did have some problems. When I had it stored on the backpack, it had a tendency to slip down, luckily 2old4toys on youtube had a good solution. And with a display stand and 6 arms for the funnels you can have a very eye catching display which will turn any head.

Overall this is a fantastic product from Bandai and they should be patting themselves on the back. Im hoping they release a MG Sazabi Ver. Ka in the near future to make a companion piece to this marvel of a kit.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Start of something

Well, this is either gonna be the start of a great gunpla adventure, or a epic fail of journalism. I'm Tim. 24. originally from Plymouth but living in Nottingham. Model kits and more specifically Gunpla is my hobby and passion and wanted to do something like this for a while so bada-boom, bada-bing. I've got a few kits with me to review so I'll make a start sometime this week. Supose I have to thank rrobbert184, jabman025, syd and ryan on gunpla tv, optibotimus and vangelus on youtube and gundamguy on blogspot for giving me inspiration and ideas to giving me the confidence to do this. I'd definately recomend viewing these guys. Hoping to have a few reviews on here soon by the weekend. Happy Building